The New Vitality program starts this week! We welcome all of you to bring a guest to any Vitality class this week for free. Any member who brings a guest will be entered into a drawing for a free massage at Fernandina Chiropractic Center. You get one entry for each guest you bring, so start reaching out to family and friends that you think may be interested in trying out a class.
Vitality class times are 7:00 am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, noon every weekday, and 5:45 pm Tuesday and Thursday.
We’ve talked a lot about this program already, but in case you haven’t heard, Vitality is essentially a more beginner-friendly version of our regular CrossFit program. There will be much less weightlifting, but the conditioning component of the classes will be very similar to our CrossFit metcons and will even be the same in some cases. I highly suggest trying these classes out and seeing how you like them. I can’t promise I’ll do it every week, but for this week at least I’ve included the Vitality workouts in this post so you can get an idea of what the workouts will be like.
Holiday Season Reminders!
We’re excited to be doing another Christmas toy drive! This year, we’ve partnered with the non-profit FAITH RXD to host their Naughty or Nice workout during our Saturday morning classes this week. All you have to do is bring an unopened toy to donate. If you’re not able to make it on Saturday, feel free to drop off your toy at any point between now and Friday, December 14th. Naughty or Nice is free to participate in, but you can support FAITH RXD by purchasing an event tshirt at https://naughtyornice.events.
We’re hosting the CFF Christmas party on Friday evening, December 14th starting at 6 pm! Craig is going to fry a couple turkeys, but you guys are welcome to bring side dishes and/or desserts to share if you’d like. Jaime has some fun games planned that you guys are going to enjoy 🙂 More details soon!
Week at a Glance: December 3-8
Monday – December 03, 2018
Context: Practice – Lowering heavy weight to the shoulders safely.
Strength: 5-5-5-5-5 push press (5 sets of 5 reps, increase load each set if possible)
Super Set: 5 x 6 single leg dumbbell deadlift (5 sets of 6 reps on each side, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Wake Me Up Before you Go Go”
5 rounds for time (with a game changer)
12 deadlifts (185/125)
12 dumbbell push press (50/35)
12 kipping pull-ups
Rx+: 225/155 bar, C2B pull-ups
Rx: as written
Scaled: 115/65 bar, 35/20 DBs, assisted pull-ups or ring rows
Game Changer: If finished in time, perform as many burpees as possible between minute 7 and minute 9. Subtract 1 second from your time for each burpee performed. For example, if you finish at 6:30, wait until min 7 to start. If you finish at min 8:30, you have 30s to do burpees.
Scaling Guide: 6:30 – 10 min (without the game changer).
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Tuesday – December 04, 2018
Context: Competition – The people with the fastest times have to go last in a staggered start.
Metcon: “The Shed”
For Time
3/2 rope climbs
600 meter row
30 overhead squats (95/65)
600 meter run
16 reverse lunge steps with one DB overhead – 8 per arm (50/35)
16/12 handstand push-ups
30 box jumps (24/20)
60 American kettlebell swings (35/26)
Rx+: 5/3 rope climbs, 1000m row, 26/16 HSPU, 50 box jumps, 53/35 KB
Rx: as written
Scaled: 6 rope lay-downs, 65/35 OHS, 35/20 DB lunge, DB press for HSPU, 26/18 KB
Scaling Guide: 25-minute timecap. Scale so that you plan on finishing around 18-22 minutes.
Compare to: October 5, 2017 (different standards)
Wednesday – December 05, 2018
Context: Practice – Muscle fiber recruitment reps (1-3) and hypertrophy reps (6-15), and how each affects development.
Strength: 6-6-6-6 Back Squat (4 sets of 6 reps, adding load each set if possible)
Super Set: 4×8 single-arm dumbbell bent over row (4 sets of 8 reps on each side, same challenge across)
Metcon: “Stovepipe“
AMReps in 9 minutes
3,6,9… pistols (alternate as desired)
3,6,9… dumbbell hang power cleans
10 toes-to-bar
(3 pistols, 3 db hang power cleans, 10 toes to bar, 6,6,10… etc.)
Rx+: none
Rx: 50/35 DBs
Scaled: single-leg box squats, 35/20 DBs, 15 sit-ups
Scaling Guide: 66 – 100 reps (finishing the 9s or the 12s including the toes to bar). R1:16 reps, R2:38 reps, R3 (the 9s):66 reps, R4 (the 12s): 100 reps, R5 (the 15s): 140 reps
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Thursday – December 06, 2018
Context: Mental Toughness – Pushing hard to the last second of every minute.
Skill work: Every minute on the minute for 6 minutes perform 2 cycles of the bar complex: snatch-grip deadlift, high-hang power snatch, low-hang squat snatch, overhead squat
Metcon: “The Ghost“
6 rounds for reps, 1 minute per station
Row (calories)
Double Unders
Rest 1 minute
Scaling Guide: 350-700 reps, about 150 reps per round for men. Women: 250-600 reps, about 120 reps per round.
Compare to: CrossFit Classic, last done June 13, 2018
Friday – December 07, 2018
Context: Practice – Using your abs during strict chin ups.
Metcon: “Buffalo Willy“
7 rounds for time
6/4 strict chin-up
10 DB shoulder to overhead – two hand
80′ DB OH carry – two hand, 20′ out and back x 2
12 DB suitcase reverse lunge steps – one dumbbell,switch hands as desired
20′ shuttle run, 4 round trips, touch line with hand every rep
Rx+: none
Rx: 50/35 DBs
Scaling Guide: 16 – 22 minutes, about 2:45 per round
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Saturday – December 08, 2018
Bring an unopened toy to either the 8 am or 9 am class for the Naughty or Nice Toy Drive and Workout!
Vitality Workouts
Monday – December 03, 2018
Pre-Charge: 3 rounds: 3 inch worms, 3 spiderman lunges per side, 1 crab bridge, 3 side lunges per side
Balance: Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes, alternating
6 DB strict press
10 DB single-leg deadlift (5L/5R)
Scale up: jumping jacks the remainder of each minute
Burn: Wake Me Up Before you Go
10-minute AMRAP
20 DB deadlifts
12 DB push press
12 ring rows or pull ups
Bonus: 3 rounds: 15 goblet squat, 15 sit-ups, 10 per side reverse leg lift with band
Tuesday – December 04, 2018
Pre-Charge: 2-minute row, then 2 rounds: 5 reps of alternating downward dog and cobra, 5 reps per side bird dog, 5 per side spider man lunges with push up, 5 per side half kneeling rainbow w/med-ball
Balance: Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes, alternating
30-45 second plank
10 goblet squats
Scale up: jump rope the remainder of each goblet squat minute
Burn: The Shed
15-min AMRAP
12 single-arm ring rows OR 6 rope lay-downs
600m row
30 DB single-arm squat (15 per side)
600m run
30 lunge steps (hold DB overhead or at shoulder for extra challenge)
12 DB shoulder press – two DBs
30 box step-ups
30 kettlebell swings
Bonus: none
Wednesday – December 05, 2018
Pre-Charge: 3 rounds: 5 per side lunge, 5 reps of superman hold with reach (bring elbows to sides and reach out as far as possible), 5 inch worms, 5 per side lunge pushing knee forward with heel on the ground, 5 per side single leg glute bridge
Balance: Perform 20-30 seconds of mountain climbers every minute on the minute for 5 minutes
Burn: Stovepipe
12-minute AMReps
3,6,9… seated one leg stands
3,6,9… DB hang power cleans
10 hanging knee-raises or 15 sit-ups
Bonus: 3 rounds: 10 glute bridges, 10 alternating v-ups, 10 push-ups
Thursday- December 06, 2018
Pre-Charge: 2 rounds: 3 reps per side Turkish get-up (weighed or unweighted), 5 per side golf ball pick ups, (slow, 5+ seconds per rep), 1 crab bridge 10-20s, 3 per side scorpion kicks,
Balance: Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes, alternating
10 DB bent-over rows
7 DB front squats
Scale up: jumping jacks remainder of each minute
Burn: The Ghost
6 rounds, 1 min per station of:
Row (calories)
Jump rope
Bonus: None
Friday – December 07, 2018
Pre-Charge: 3 rounds: 5 squat jumps, 5 per side deadbug, 5 glute bridges, 6 push ups with reach to the sky (3 per arm going up)
Balance: Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes
8 box jumps or plate jumps
Burn: Buffalo Billy
12-minute AMRAP
6 chin-ups (bar in rack w/feet on box)
10 DB shoulder to overhead – two hand
80′ DB OH carry – two hand, 20′ out and back x 2
12 reverse lunge steps (hold DBs by side for extra challenge)
20′ shuttle run, 4 round trips, touch line with hand every rep
Bonus: 3 rounds: 10 ring push-ups, 10 feet in ring/knee to elbows (while in plank, place
feet in rings, then bring knees as close to elbows as possible)