The 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is a month away with the 19.1 workout announcement scheduled for Thursday, February 21st.
The Open is the largest fitness competition on Earth and an exciting showcase of the CrossFit community. Athletes from all around the world push themselves further than they ever thought possible in completing five workouts over a five-week period. People of all ages and ability levels can participate. Each of the five workouts will include both Rx and Scaled options, along with Masters and Teen options.
The Open is a great time to see how much your fitness has improved over the past year and to set a benchmark to try to improve on in future years. More importantly for us here at CrossFit Fernandina, the Open is a chance to celebrate our great gym community through our in-house Intramural Open and our Friday Night Lights events.
Last year we had well over 50 CFF members sign up for the Open. We divided up into teams and participated in a friendly competition that was as much about team spirit and and community support as it was about individual scores.
Each week’s workout was our metcon on Fridays and we made other times for participants to complete their workout before the score submission deadline on Monday evening. But the most fun was our Friday Night Lights events. Each Friday we set up a competition-like format with participants signing up for heat times to complete their workout. Each of these events were a ton of fun both for those competing and those who just came out to show support and hang out. We can’t wait to do it all again this year!
We’ll have plenty of more details about the Open and our plans for the Intramural Open and Friday Night Lights, but for now, you can go ahead and register on the Games website. Make sure you select “CrossFit Fernandina Beach” as your affiliate so you’ll be listed on our gym leaderboard.
Week at a Glance: January 21-26
Monday – January 21, 2019
Context: Mental Toughness – Keep pushing the pace even though you know that the next round is harder
Skill Work: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging squat clean – warm-up for the metcon lift
Metcon: Open 18.2
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Dumbbell squat
Bar-facing burpee – no step up
*If you finish before 12 minutes, spend the rest of the time finding how much you can clean
Rx: 50/35 DB
Scaled 35/20 DB, step-overs allowed
Scaling Guide: 6 – 11 minutes, about 5 min to get through the 7s. If you finish before 12 minutes, spend the rest of the time finding how much you can clean
Compare to: March 1, 2018
Tuesday – January 22, 2019
Context: Practice – Smaller sets on the strength stuff is for absolute strength development. Larger sets are for more muscle growth (hypertrophy).
Strength: 6×3 deadlift 4 of 11 (6 sets of 3 rep, same weight across, 65-75% of max) – touch and go, no deficit
Super Set: 6×5 strict shoulder press or strict handstand push up for depth (or progression) (6 sets of 5 reps, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Drifting On”
AMReps in 9 min
DB hang power snatch – alternate as desired
Supine ring row
40′ walking lunge after every set of ring rows – 4 reps per completed lunge, 2 reps down, 2 reps back
Rx+: 50/35, suitcase lunge w/DB
Rx: 50/35 DB
Scaled: 35/20 DB, ring row
Scaling Guide: Finishing the 12s (92 reps) to finishing the 18s (174 reps). 9s: 60 reps, 12s: 92 reps, 15s: 130, 18s: 174.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Wednesday – January 23, 2019
Context: Practice – Take this one at an easier pace today. Focus on small sets and moving steady.
Metcon: “Fantastic Voyage”
4 rounds as many rerps as possible
2 minute sled push 20′ or bike for calories
2 minute toes to bar
2 minute row for calories
2 minute rest
Scaling Guide: 250 – 350 reps, about 75 “reps” per round.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Thursday – January 24, 2019
Context: Competition – Split the class into two or three ‘teams’, the team with the fastest combined time wins! (don’t forget to name each team!)
Metcon: “Triad-Athelon”
3 rounds for time of:
500 meter row
21 burpees
400 meter run or ¾-mile bike
Scaling Guide: 16 – 22 min, about 6 minutes per round.
Compare to: April 4, 2018
Friday – January 25, 2019
Context: Practice – Take the dynamic warm up seriously. Quality repetitions help improvement
Strength: 7×1 Deficit Deadlift 5 of 11 (7 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, 60-70% of max)
Super Set: 7×4 strict handstand push up for depth (or progression) (7 sets of 4 reps, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Cry Me a River”
8-minute AMRAP
10 kipping pull ups
5 DB hang squat cleans
10 DB push press
5 DB front squat
Rx+: 50/35 DBs, C2B pull-ups
Rx: 50/35 DBs
Scaled: 35/20 DBs, jumping pull-ups or ring rows
Scaling Guide: 3 – 6 rounds, about 2 min per round
Compare to: April 30, 2018
Saturday – January 26, 2019
Context: Competition – Move as if you were being ‘judged’ in a competition (good form AND perfect range of motion).
Metcon: “Cowboys and Indians”
25-minute AMRAP in teams of 3
10 shoulder press
120 double unders – total for team, everyone working at the same time
20 power snatches
120 double unders – total for team, everyone working at the same time
30 front squats
120 double unders – total for team, everyone working at the same time
Rx+: 135/85 bar, two-person teams, same reps
Rx: 135/85 bar
Scaled: 85/55 bar, single unders
Scaling Guide: 2 – 4 rounds, about 8:00 per round
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Indy Version: AMRAP in 18 minutes 4 shoulder press, 40 double unders, 8 power snatches, 40 double unders, 12 front squats, 40 double unders, 1 min rest