The 2019 CrossFit Open is less than two weeks away! Coach Chris and I went over more details in this week’s Week at a Glance podcast episode. Listen to it by clicking here.
For those of you participating in the Open for the first time, there’s an excellent article on reebok.com by former CrossFit Games champion and gym owner Ben Smith that has some great advice for to approach your first Open. Smith’s five tips are posted below, and you can read the full article by clicking here.
1. Scaling a workout isn’t a bad thing.
2. Don’t set expectations. Approach the Open with an ‘Open’ mindset.
3. If your gym hosts events during the Open, attend them. (see you at Friday Night Lights!)
4. Actually look at the leaderboard. Competition can push to new limits.
5. Use your accomplishments in the Open to set goals for the next year of training.
Here are the Intramural Open team rosters as of 3:30 pm Sunday. If you don’t see your name and would like to participate, reach out to me or Coach Chris and we’ll get you on a team. The blank spaces are spots we need filled to complete the teams!

Week at a Glance: February 10, 2019
Monday – February 11, 2019
Context: Practice – Take the metcon a bit easier today if you plan on coming in tomorrow and Wednesday.
Strength: 9×1 Deficit Deadlift 10 of 11 (9 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, 65-75% of max)
Super Set: 9×3 strict handstand push up for depth (or progression, 9 sets of 3 reps, make sure it is deeper/heavier than previous sets of 3) (9 sets of 3 reps, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Soft Sand”
7-minute AMRAP
12 DB hang power snatch
8 single-arm DB overhead squat
*Every time you put the dumbbell down, you have to suitcase carry it 40’ before your next set
Rx+: 53/35 KB instead of DB
Rx: 50/35 DB
Scaled: 35/20 DB
Scaling Guide: 4 – 7 rounds, about 1:20 per round.
Compare to: August 13, 2018
Tuesday – February 12, 2019
Context: Competition – Imagine you are going to be videotaped and that every rep is going to be analyzed.
Metcon: “Holbrook”
10 Rounds each for time:
5 Thrusters
10 Pull-ups
100m Sprint
Rest one minute
Rx: 115/75
Scaled: 75/55
Vitality: DB thrusters, 25/15, ring rows
In honor of U.S. Army Captain Jason Holbrook, 28, of Burnet, Texas, was killed on July 29th, 2010
Scaling Guide: 18 – 28 min including the rest, about 2:20 per round.
Compare to: June 5, 2018
Wednesday – February 13, 2019
Context: Practice – Understanding why this style of front box squat is so good for you.
Strength: 3-3-3-3-3 Front Squat (5 sets of 3 reps, increasing weight each set if possible)
Super Set: 6-6-6-6-6 Weighted Strict Pull-Up or progression (5 sets of 6 reps, increasing progression or load each set if possible)
Metcon: “Holystone the Deck”
In 8 minutes
500 meter row
Then max rounds with the remaining time:
10 dumbbell push jerk
5 ‘heavy’ power cleans
10 back squats
Rx+: 50/35 dumbbells; 185/125 barbell
Rx: 50/35 dumbbells; 155/105 barbell
Scaled: 35/20 dumbbells; 105/65 barbell
Vitality: 20/10 db for all. Athlete may choose to use barbell.
Scaling Guide: 2 – 4 rounds, about 2 minutes for the row, then 2:00 per round after.
Compare to: June 6, 2018
Thursday – February 14, 2019
Context: Practice – Communication is key with partner workouts (and relationships)
Metcon: “Be Mine”
25-minute AMRAP with a Valentine
15 synchronized burpees – both people must hit chest at the same time
80 double unders – split as desired
50 walking lunge – walk together
100′ bumper plate pinch grip carry – split as desired, bumpers must be held in pinch grip
Rx: 25/15 plate
Scaled: 15/10 plate
Vitality: 10/5 plate
Scaling Guide: 4 – 7 rounds, about 4:30 per round.
“Single” Version: AMRAP in 20 min, 15 burpees, 40 double unders, 50′ walking lunge, 50′ pinch grip carry, 30s rest
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Friday – February 15, 2019
Context: Competition – Lifting after metcons isn’t ideal for regular training (but can be ‘okay’ for competition tests)
Strength: 11×1 Deficit Deadlift – session 11 of 11 (11 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, 65-75% of max)
Super Set: 11×3 strict handstand push up for depth (or progression, 11 sets of 3 reps, make sure it is deeper/heavier than previous sets of 3)
Metcon: “Backhoe”
5 rounds for time
8 DB hang power cleans
8 DB push press
8 round trip run 20′ forward, 20′ backward
Rx+: 53/35 KBs instead of DBs
Rx: 50/35 DBs
Scaled/Vitality: 35/20 DBs
Scaling Guide: 6 – 10 min, about 2 min per round
Compare to: July 22, 2018
Saturday – February 16, 2019
Context: Practice – Pick a partner that you haven’t partnered with before
Metcon: “Kensington and Chelsea”
5 rounds for time with a partner
6 round trip sled pushes – 20′ out 20′ back, alternate as desired
40 med-ball good morning – alternate as desired
20 chest to bar pull up – alternate as desired
30 partner wall ball – each ‘shot’ to the target is one rep
Rx+: 40 chest-to-bar, 40 partner wall-balls 20/14
Rx: 20/14 wall-ball
Scaled: 4 sled pushes, 14/10 wall ball
Scaling Guide: 24 – 32 minutes, about 5:30 per round.
INDY Version: 5 rounds, 8 sled pushes, 20 hip extensions, 15 chest to bars, 15 wall ball, 1 min rest
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!