The first workout of the 2019 CrossFit Open is just a few days away! Keep this in mind as you choose how you approach your workouts this week.
We are going for a heavy deadlift on Monday, but that does not mean we’re going for a true, all-out one-rep max. Our goal should be to set a new personal record. That simply means we want to lift more (or do more reps) than we have done before.
A “max” is when you keep going until you find your absolute max before reaching failure. Ninety-five percent of the time, we don’t want to go to our absolute max. This is especially true for this week if our goal is to perform well on the first Open workout come Friday.
As for the rest of the workouts this week, simply keep in mind that you don’t want to do anything to prevent yourself from performing your best on the Open workout. If you’re unsure whether you should scale down a weight or movement, err on the side of caution and go ahead and scale it. Make sure you take a rest day this week, preferably the day before your plan on doing the Open workout.
Here are some other things to keep in mind for this week:
- Dr. James and Dr. Jayde from 8 Flags Chiropractic are hosting a foam rolling session at the gym at 6:30 pm on Thursday. There will be no 6:30 pm class.
- The Open workout will be announced by CrossFit HQ Thursday evening at 8 pm. We will post a link in Wodify and in the Facebook group to reserve your heat time for Friday Night as soon as we have time to plan the number of heats and time spacing and get it online. It should be up by 8:30 Thursday night.
- Here are options for when you can complete 19.1:
- Friday morning classes at 5:00, 6:00, 8:30, 9:45
- Friday Night Lights 5:30-8:30 pm. Must reserve a heat time
- Saturday morning 8:00-9:00 am
- Sunday afternoon 2:00-4:00 pm
- Monday afternoon 4:30-5:30 pm
- If you can’t make any of the time options, you can arrange a time with a coach that works for you for a $15 fee.
- If you choose to repeat the workout, there is a $5 fee.
- Good luck!
- Have fun!
Week at a Glance: February 18-23
Monday – February 18, 2019
Context: Competition – Get after it today but don’t sacrifice your back or your neck
Strength: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Deadlift (7 sets of 1 rep, adding weight each set if possible)
Metcon: “Diane”
Deadlift (225/155)
Handstand push-ups
Scaled: 135/95 deadlifts, push-ups or knee push-ups
Scaling Guide: 4 – 9 minutes
Compare to: CrossFit Benchmark (last done January 4, 2019)
Tuesday – February 19, 2019
Context: Practice – Take it easier today if you are ‘toasty’ from yesterday
Skill Work: Spend 8 minutes working on kipping drills for kipping pull ups and bar muscle ups
Metcon: “Gadzooks”
12 front squat
12 hand-release push-ups
24 wall ball
200m run
Rx+ 155/105 bar, 12 ring dips instead of push-ups, 20/14 wall balls
Rx: 135/85 bar, 20/14 wall balls
Scaled: 4 rounds, 85/55 bar, knee push-ups, 14/10 wall balls
Scaling Guide: 17 – 24 minutes, about 4 min per round
Compare to: July 13, 2017
Wednesday – February 20, 2019
Context: Practice – Using breath for recovery during the rests
Skill Work: Spend 8 minutes working to a challenging (80-90%) overhead squat x3 out of the rack.
Metcon: “Bull Twinkies”
20-minute AMReps
10 overhead squats
10 DB bent over row
4, 8, 12… bar-facing burpees (4 the first round, 8 the second, etc.)
1 minute rest
Scaling Guide: 84 – 160 (finishing the 12 burpees to finishing 20). R2: 52reps, R3: 84reps, R4: 120, R5: 160
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Thursday – February 21, 2019
Context: Practice – It is better to work on strict pull up strength before kipping
Strength: 4-4-4-4-4-4 Front Squat (6 sets of 4 reps, adding weight each set if possible)
Super Set: 6×6 weighted strict pull up or progression (6 sets of 6 reps, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Beat to Quarters”
In 9 minutes
1200/1000 meter row, then max rounds with the remaining time:
10 push press
40′ single-arm overhead DB lunge
15 sit ups
Rx+: 155/95 bar, 50/35 DB, GHD sit-ups
Rx: 135/85 bar, 50/35 DB
Scaled: 800m row, 85/55 bar, 35/20 DB
Scaling Guide: 2 – 3 rounds. About 4.5 minutes for the row, and then 2 min per round after.
Compare to: July 14, 2017
Friday – February 22, 2019
Context: Competition – Push for your best score!
Metcon: Open 19.1
Saturday – February 23, 2019
Context: Practice – Using your hips on push presses and how it is different than the hinging on deadlifts and kb swings.
Metcon: “Street Fighter Alpha”
For time
700/600 meter row
Then 7 Rounds:
12 heavy American KB swings
40 double unders
Then 300m row
**Every 2 minutes stop and do 6 bar muscle-ups, 8 toes to bar, or 16 sit ups
Rx+: 70/53 KB swings, 6 bar muscle-ups instead of T2B
Rx: 70/53 KB swings, T2B
Scaled: 53/35 KB swings, singles, sit-ups
Scaling Guide: 18 – 25 minutes, about 3 min for the row and then 90s per round after (not including the toes to bar).
Compare to: July 16, 2017