Happy New Year! We’ll have regular morning classes on Monday, but no evening classes or teen class. On Tuesday, there will be one 9 am class only. Regular schedule resumes Wednesday.
Week at a Glance: Dec. 31 – Jan. 5
Monday – December 31, 2018
*** No evening classes. Regular morning classes ***
Context: Competition – Push yourself to get your best score possible
Weightlifting: Thruster (2-2-2-2-2-2) 6 sets of 2 reps, increasing load each set if possible
Super Set: 10-15 hollow rocks between each set of thrusters
Metcon: “Bergeron Beep Test”
Every minute on the minute for as long as possible:
7 thrusters
7 pull-ups
7 burpees
Rx: 75/55
Scaled: 45/35, jumping pull-ups
Scaling Guide: 8-12 rounds.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Coaching Tips: The “Beep Test” designed by renowned CrossFit coach Ben Bergeron is an excellent test of CrossFit-Specific conditioning and mental fortitude. Competitive CrossFit Open level athletes should be able to reach 9 rounds, Regionals level athletes 13 rounds, and Games level athletes 18 rounds.
Tuesday – January 1, 2019
*** 9 am class only ***
Context: Competition – Have a plan to set a PR
Metcon: “Fight Gone Bad”
Three rounds for reps
Wall-ball Shots (20/14)
Sumo deadlift high-pull (75/55)
Box Jumps (20/20)
Push-press (75/55)
Row for calories
1-minute rest
The exercises must be completed in order, but you can start where you want
Rx: as written
Scaled: 14/10 wall ball, 55/35 SDHP and push press, 12’ box
Scaling Guide: 200 – 350 reps, about 80 reps per round. Scale Up: 5 rounds
Compare to: CrossFit benchmark (last done May 16, 2018)
Coaching Tips: Plan on getting lots of reps on the movements that you are good at or that are ‘fast’ (push presses and box jumps). Do work, but don’t push yourself too hard on the slower movements (rowing and wall ball).
Wednesday – January 2, 2018
Context: Mental Toughness – Pick a goal pace and stick with it for all 10 rounds. This will be hard.
Metcon: “Row For Your Lives”
10 rounds
Men: pull a sub-1:25 500 meter pace for as long as possible
Women: pull a sub-1:42 500 meter pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes between intervals
Log time for each round
Scaling Guide: Scale pace as needed so that first interval can be maintained for approximately 1 minute and at least 30-40 seconds in the later rounds.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Coaching Tips: The goal is to pull a fast pace and and generate high power output for a short period, with a moderate amount of rest to follow. Adjust the target pace so you have to work to stay under that number. The pace should be faster than your best 500 meter row pace.
Thursday – January 3, 2019
Context: Practice – Pace the buy-in so that you complete the cash-out faster
Skill Work: Every 90 seconds for 6 rounds, perform a 3-position squat snatch (high-hang, low-hang, from the ground). Increase weight each set as long as form is solid.
Metcon: “The Extended Cut Scene”
600/500 meter row
100 double unders
Then 12-10-8-6-4-2 of
Power snatch
Alternating dumbbell reverse lunge – single arm, overhead
100 double unders
600/500 meter row
Rx: 95/65 barbell, 50/35 dumbbell
Scaled: 200 singles, 65/35 snatch or kettlebell swings, 35/20 dumbbell
Scaling Guide: 14 – 20 minutes, about 4 minutes each for the buy-in and cash-out, and 6-10 minutes for the snatches and lunges.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Coaching Tips: Push the pace on the row and the double unders to start. Make sure you do a power snatch without a ‘press out’ to make sure your shoulders can handle the overhead lunges. Minimize transitions (so switch arms often). Keep the arms close on the double unders so you can save your shoulders on the beginning and ending DUs. Go hard on the last row!
Friday – January 4, 2019
Context: Competition – Have a rep scheme plan before starting
Weightlifting: Deadlift (1-1-1-1-1-1-1) 7 sets of 1 rep, adding weight each set if possible
Super Set: Strict handstand push-ups – 5-7 sets to work up to the most advanced progression possible (deficit, full-depth, stacked mats, wall handstand hold, overhead DB hold)
Metcon: “Diane”
Deadlifts, 225#/155#
Handstand Push-ups
Rx: as written
Scaled: 135/95 deadlifts, push-ups or knee push-ups
Scaling Guide: 4 – 9 minutes
Compare to: CrossFit Benchmark (last done January 21, 2017)
Coaching Tips: Move fast on the first round of Deadlifts. For some this could mean large unbroken sets (just watch the bouncing), for others it will mean smaller sets with lots of dropping from the top. For the first round of HSPU, pace the first 21 significantly. Use the 15s round of deadlifts to make sure your form is good and to give your shoulders a bit of time to recover. If your shoulders are feeling good on the second round of HSPU, pick up the pace a bit, but you should always stay 1-2 reps away from failure. Pace the last round of deadlifts according to how your shoulders feel. The entire time, make sure there isn’t any hyperextension of the lumbar – at the top of the deadlifts OR on the HSPU! You must have a stable controlled midline or SLOW DOWN. If you still can’t get it under control, progress back to a lighter load or easier version.
Saturday – January 05, 2019
Context: Mental Toughness – Can you be honest with yourself and your team about your abilities?
Metcon: “Mario Cart”
Teams of 3 conga line style
6 rounds for time
4 sled pushes – 20′ out and back (45/0)
15 chest-to-bar pull-up (scaled: 15 jumping chest-to-bar)
20 sit-ups
25 American KB swings (53/35)
Scaling Guide: 18 – 25 minutes, about 3 minutes per round
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Coaching Tips: Pick who can go fastest to enter into the workout first. Each subsequent teammate cannot move forward until the person in front of them finishes. If the person in front of you isn’t done yet, slow down so you do not blow yourself up and then spend an inordinate amount of time waiting. On the last round, speed up as the person in front finishes.