In case you missed it, we launched the new CrossFit Fernandina Podcast last week with Chris and me hosting the show. We’re back today with a quick breakdown of this week’s workouts. You can check it out on Anchor by clicking here.
The podcast is also now available on Google Podcasts (for Android users), Spotify, and Stitcher. We should be live on Apple Podcasts any day now. Be sure and subscribe to the podcast via whichever listening app you use so you can be updated each time we upload a new show. We plan to do at least one show per week, and we have some plans for upcoming episodes that I think you guys are really going to like.
Don’t forget that we have another yoga session with Mandy this Sunday at 5:00 PM. If you haven’t attended one of these yet, you’re really missing out. Definitely give it a try!
Also, as of this week, we’re eliminating our noon Vitality class and combining our Vitality program with the regular 9:45 am CrossFit class. This won’t mean too much of a difference for most of our members other than seeing a few new faces in the 9:45 class. Please be kind and welcoming to them, as I know you all will be. Also, you’re welcome to do the Vitality programming if you choose.
Lastly, don’t forget to sign up for the CrossFit Open! The firsts workout will be released Thursday, February 21st, meaning our first Friday Night Lights will be the 22nd. That’s two weeks from Friday!
This year’s team captains are Brent Roth, Coach Kylie, Sarah Fishwild, and Tommy Goad. They’ll be meeting with Chris on Saturday to pick teams, so be sure to register by then if you want to participate. You can do so on the CrossFit Games website by clicking here.
Week at a Glance: February 4-9, 2019
Monday – February 4, 2019
Context: Competition – How to properly work up to a one rep max
Strength: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Front Squat (7 sets of 1 rep, adding weight each set if possible)
Super Set: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Weighted Strict Pull-Up or Progression (7 sets of 1 rep, adding weight each set if possible)
Metcon: “Mr. Chairman”
For time.
15 db thrusters
Then 3 rounds of:
10/5 weighted strict pull ups – with med ball
20 wall ball
RX+: 50/35 DB, 30/20 med ball
RX: 50/35 DB, 20/14 med ball
Scaled/Vitality: 35/26 DB, ring rows
Scaling Guide: 5 – 9 minutes, about 30-60s for the thrusters, then 2 min per round after.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Tuesday – February 5, 2019
Context: Practice – Take it easier today because of what we have planned for tomorrow
Strength: 6×4 deadlift 8 of 11 (6 sets of 4 reps, same weight across, 75-85% of max) touch and go, no deficit
Super Set: 6×6 strict shoulder press or strict handstand push up for depth (or progression) (6 sets of 6 reps, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Comrade Detective”
AMRAP in 8 min
10 goblet squats
15 American Kb swings
5 round trip 20′ lateral shuffle with line touch
Rx: 53/35
Scaled: 35/26
Scaling Guide: 3 – 6 rounds, about 2 min per round. Scale Up: 16 kb snatches (same weight)
Compare to: November 1, 2018
Wednesday – February 6, 2019
Context: Competition – Have a good plan for pacing to get your best score
Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 6 minutes doing 3 sets of 3-5 ‘ring outs’ (think of an ‘ab wheel’ on the rings).
Metcon: “Open 18.3“
AMRAP in 14 min or 2 RFT
100 Double Unders
20 Overhead Squats (115/85)
100 Double Unders
12 Ring Muscle-ups
100 Double Unders
20 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
100 Double Unders
12 Bar Muscle-ups
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide (Performance): Women: 220 reps – 500 reps. Men: 220 reps – 600 reps.
Compare to: March 9, 2018
Thursday – February 7, 2019
Context: Practice – moving well, even when tired
Metcon: “Night Watch”
AMRAP In 12 minutes (for two ‘cycles’)
1200/1000 meter row
Then max rounds
20 overhead DB reverse lunge – one arm, 10L/10R arm
15 burpees facing dumbbell – jump over db
10 toes-to-bar
***Rest three minutes, then repeat 12 min cycle again. Begin with row buy in, but start rounds where you left off.
Rx: 50/35 DB
Scaled: 800m row, 35/20 DB, hanging knee raises
Scaling Guide: 5 – 8 rounds, about 4:30 for the rows and 3 min per round after.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Friday – February 8, 2019
Context: Practice – knowing how long to rest between attempts of difficult movements (like muscle ups)
Strength: 7×1 Deficit Deadlift 9 of 11 (7 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, 65-75% of max)
Super Set: 7×3 strict handstand push up for depth (or progression, make sure it is deeper/heavier than last session) (7 sets of 3 reps, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Open 16.3”
AMRAP in 7 min
10 power snatches (75/55)
3 bar muscle-ups
Scaling Guide: 3-8 rounds, about 1:30 per round
Compare to: June 20, 2018
Saturday – February 9, 2019
Context: Practice – Communication is key with team workouts
Metcon: “Xs and Os”
AMRAP in 25 minutes, with a partner, alternate EACH ROUND with your partner except for the rope climb (see below)
1 rope climb (Scaled: 3 rope lay-downs)
15 box jumps (24/20)
15 Russian Kb Swings (70/53)
40 double unders (Scaled: 80 singles)
***Alternating Rounds: One partner completes a round while the other rests. The exception is the Rope climb. The rope climb can be completed at any time while the partner finishes their round.
INDY VERSION: 1 rope climb, 15 box jumps, 15 kb swings, 40 DU, 1 min rest, 25 min AMRAP
Scaling Guide: 9 – 14 rounds (combined for both partners). Scale Up: 20 box jumps, 20 kb swings, and 50 DUs
Compare to: September 1, 2018