Awesome job to everyone who completed CrossFit Open workout 19.1! Don’t forget to submit your score on games.crossfit.com or via the CrossFit Games app by 8 pm Monday night.
We’ll do everything pretty much the same this week with heat times posted around 8:30 pm Thursday night. Options for completing the workout will be the same as this past week.
We’re getting new shirts! Click here to pre-order and receive a 10% discount. Pre-orders must be submitted by noon Friday.
Don’t forget about Yoga with Mandy at 5 pm on Sunday!
Monday – February 25, 2019
Context: Practice – Using your hips on kipping pull ups
Strength: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Back Squat (7 sets of 2 reps, increase load each set if possible)
Super Set: 5-5-5-5-5-5-5 DB Bent over row (7 sets of 5 reps, increase load each set if possible)
Metcon: “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag”
AMRAP in 8 minutes
12/8 pull-ups
12 front squat
40′ bear crawl or 20 ‘ handstand walk
Rx+: C2B pull-ups, 135/85 bar, handstand walk
Rx: 135/85 bar
Scaled: 85/55 bar, assisted or jumping pull-ups or ring rows
Scaling Guide: 3 – 6 rounds, about 1:45 per round
Compare to: June 12, 2018
Tuesday – February 26, 2019
Context: Practice – Take it easy if you are planning to do the Open this week
Metcon: “Rainy Day Blues”
Two 9-minute cycles with 3 minute rest between cycles:
3/2 rope climb
Then max rounds with the remaining time:
12 single-arm KB swing
16 air squats
50 single unders
3 min rest, then repeat cycle again starting with rope climb buy in (start rounds where you left off).
Rx+: 53/35 KB, Goblet squats instead of air squats
Rx: 53/35 KB
Scaled: 5 rope lay-downs, 35/26 KB, 30 single unders
Scaling Guide: 5 – 10 rounds, about 90s for the rope climbs and then 1:45 per round after.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Wednesday – February 27, 2019
Context: Practice – Focus on the first pull of the snatch and the db ground to overhead today
Skill Work: 40s on, 20s off, for 4 minutes of jump rope/double under practice
Strength: 3-3-3-3-3-3 Power Snatch or split snatch (6 sets of 3 rep, adding weight each set if possible)
Super Set: 5-5-5-5-5-5 weighted strict ring dip, progression (6 sets of 5 reps), or 5 sets of muscle ups (3-5 reps per set)
Metcon: “Ready or Not”
In 7 minutes
500 meter row then max rounds:
8 DB ground to overhead – two DBs
6/4 ring dips
Rx+: 50/35 DBs, 4/2 ring muscle-ups instead of ring dips
Rx: 50/35 DBs
Scaled: 32/20 DBs, 6 ring push-ups or knee push-ups
Scaling Guide: 3 – 6 rounds, about 1:20 per round after the row.
Compare to: September 26, 2018
Thursday – February 28, 2019
Context: Mental Toughness – Stay with each movement longer than usual today and push yourself harder
Metcon: “Evasion”
Cover as much distance as possible in 20 minutes
Row, run, bike, ski split as desired with the following requirements:
Minimum 1000 meter row
Minimum 800 meter run req.
Max 3200 meter on bike (2 miles)
Scaling Guide: 3600m – 5000m
Compare to: February 22, 2018
Friday – March 01, 2019
CrossFit Open 19.2
Saturday – March 02, 2019
Context: Practice – Count reps for your partner
Metcon: “Dog is my Copilot”
3 rounds for time
15 partner deadlifts (185/125)
30 partner wall ball – each ‘shot’ to the target is one rep (20/14)
30 American Kb swings – one partner at a time (53/35)
30 burpees over partner
800 meter run together
Scaling Guide: 22 – 30 minutes, about 8:30 min per round. Scale Up: 155/225 bar.
Indy Version: 7 deadlifts, 15 wall ball, 15 kb swings, 15 burpees, 800m run
Compare to: April 21, 2018