We are excited to announce a new program coming to CrossFit Fernandina in December!
Our new Vitality program is designed to provide quality fitness just like our traditional CrossFit classes but eliminates many of the complexities of CrossFit in favor of more fundamental movements. However, Vitality will feature many of the same movements as CrossFit and will follow the same general program design. The major differences will be very little barbell work and no advanced gymnastics.
Vitality classes will last less than 45 minutes. We plan to have Vitality classes at 7:00 am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, noon every weekday, and 6:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classes begin Monday, December 3rd.
Our main goal of this program is to appeal to people who may be hesitant to try traditional CrossFit due to advance movements high intensity associated with it. However, current members could also benefit from this program and will be welcome to attend Vitality classes as they wish.
This program is essentially a trimmed-down version of our CrossFit classes, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get less of a workout if you choose to participate in these classes. In fact, because the movements in Vitality metcons are less complex, you’ll likely find that you’re able to move faster and work harder doing Vitality workouts.
Over the next few weeks, we’re going to start posting Vitality workouts in Wodify so you guys can try them out during regular classes if you’d like. We’d love for you to provide some feedback and let us know what you think of the workouts before we launch the program next month.
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Other Announcements
- In observance of Veteran’s Day, we’ll have classes at 8 am and 9 am on Monday. All other classes are cancelled.
- HelloFresh will be at the gym for both classes on Monday and will be raffling off a free meal kit box (3 meals) to one lucky member!
- Looking ahead to Thanksgiving, we will be closed Thanksgiving day on Thursday, November 22nd and will have one 9 am class on Friday, November 23rd. Regular classes the rest of the week, including Saturday morning.
- The CFF Christmas Party will be at the gym on the evening of Friday, December 14th. More details coming soon!
Week at a Glance: November 12-17
Monday – November 12, 2018 (Classes at 8 am and 9 am only!)
Context: Competition – Do this one with the most advanced progressions possible (at least for the first few rounds). Scale back if you get behind the scaling guide.
Metcon: “Bradshaw”
10 rounds for time
3 kipping handstand push-ups
6 deadlifts (225/155)
12 kipping pull-ups
24 double unders
Scaling Guide: 17 – 27 minutes, about 2:15 per round
Team Version: 8 rounds. 6 HSPU, 12 deadlifts, 24 pull ups, 44 double unders, split with partner as desired. Resting partner must hold bumper plate at side or overhead.
Compare to: March 29, 2018 (Hero WOD)
Tuesday – November 13, 2018
Context: Practice – Focus on breathing during heavy lifts.
Strength: 7×2 Front Squat – 10 of 12 (7 sets of 2 reps, same weight across, 85-95% of max)
Super Set: 7×4 half kneeling single arm dumbbell press (7 sets of 4 reps on each side, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Pointman”
8-minute AMReps
100 meter run
12 two-hand bent-over DB rows
5-10-15… DB front squat
Rx+: none
Rx: 50/35 DBs
Scaled: 35/20 DBs
Scaling Guide: 100 – 150 reps. R1=19 reps, R2=43 reps, R3=72 reps, R4=106, R5=145 reps. Run counts as two reps.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Wednesday– November 13, 2018
Context: Practice – What are your abs doing on each movement
Skill Work:
8-minute EMOM
Even – 20 double unders or 5 x 4 singles+1 DU attempt
Odd – 5 per side pistols – weighted or progression
Metcon: “Jewel in the Dark“
4 cycles, 5 minute each – 2 minute rest between cycles
600/500m row
Then max rounds with the remaining time
40 double unders
12 bumper plate burpees
8 alternating reverse lunge steps with plate overhead
Start rounds where you left off after each row buy in
Rx+: 45/25 plate, 100m of 70/53 suitcase carry, at some point during each rest
Rx: 45/25 plate
Scaled: 25/15 plate, 80 singlesScaling Guide: 5 – 8 rounds. About 2 min for the rows, then 1:30 per round after.
Scaling Guide: 5 – 8 rounds. About 2 min for the rows, then 1:30 per round after.
Rx+: Perform 100m of 70/53 suitcase carry, at some point during the 2 min rest.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Thursday – November 15, 2018
Context: Competition – Pick a partner to ‘combine’ scores with. Teams with their average time closest to 9 minutes “win”.
Strength: 6×3 Front Squat – 11 of 12 (6 sets of 3 reps, same weight across, 85-95% of max)
Super Set: 6×5 half kneeling single arm dumbbell press (6 sets of 5 reps on each side, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Spoonman“
10 rounds for time
7 Burpees
7 Knees To Elbows
Rx+: none
Rx: as written
Scaled: hanging knee-raises or toes-to-rig
Scaling Guide: 7-11 minutes, about 50s per round
Compare to: May 21, 2018 (CrossFit Classic)
Friday – November 16, 2018
Context: Practice – power cleans and box jump similarities
Metcon: “Learn To Fly”
5 rounds for max reps
1 min dumbbell weighted pull up – doesn’t have to be strict (35/25)
1 min power clean (155/95)
1 min box jump (30/24)
1 min cal row
1 min rest
Rx+: 35/25 DB, 155/95 bar, 30/24 box
Rx: 25/10 DB, 135/85 bar, 24/20 box
Scaled: assisted pull-ups or ring-rows, 85/45 bar, 20/12 box
Scaling Guide: 200 – 300 reps, about 50 reps per round
Compare to: May 2, 2018
Coaching Tips: You can start at any movement, but you must go in order (except for the rest). For example, if you start on power cleans, you’ll end on weighted pull ups. Pace this one so that you can get the max reps on the movements you are good at. When doing db pull ups, hold the db between the thighs or the feet. If you hold it between the ankles, you may want to wrap the handle with a towel or a shirt so the knurling doesn’t shred your skin.
Saturday – November 17, 2018
Context: Practice – Watch your partner and give them feedback on their movement quality
Metcon: “Cannonball Run”
17-minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible)
With a partner, one person working at a time.
10 shoulder-to-overhead
20 front squats
30 push-ups
40’ walking lunge (done by both partners together)
Rx+: none
Rx: 135/95 bar
Scaled: 95/65 bar
Scaling Guide: 3.5 – 7 rounds, about 4 minutes per round.
Compare to: March 24, 2018
Indy Version: 5 s2o, 10 front squat, 12 push-ups, 40′ walking lunge, 1 min rest.