The New Year’s Challenge starts Monday! There’s still time to register. Click here.
Awesome job to everyone who competed at the River City Rumble on Saturday! Check out photos on Facebook.
Lastly, don’t forget that we’re having a gym clean-up day on Saturday after the 9 am class. Everyone is welcome to come help out and hang out if you’d like.
Week at a Glance: January 14-19
Monday – January 14, 2019
Context: Competition – Go for big sets on the wall ball and really push yourself!
Strength: 9×1 Deficit Deadlift 2 of 11 (9 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, 55-65% of max)
Super Set: 9×3 strict handstand push up for depth (or progression) (9 sets of 3 reps, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Shot Caller”
3 rounds for time
12 deadlifts
24 wall ball
Rx+: 225/155 bar, 20/14 wall balls
Rx: 185/125 bar, 20/14 wall balls
Scaled: 135/95 bar, 14/10 wall balls
Scaling Guide: 5 – 9 min, about 2 min per round
Compare to: March 19, 2018
Tuesday – January 15, 2019
Context: Mental Toughness – Fight hard for big sets, and only count the double unders that make it
Skill Work: Spend 10 minutes working on ring dip and muscle up progressions.
Metcon: “Kid Dynamite”
5 rounds for time
25 push press
50 double unders
Rx: 75/55 bar
Scaled: 55/45, 100 single unders
Scaling Guide: 9 – 17 minutes, about 2:30 per round. Scale Up: 65/95lb bar
Compare to: June 2, 2017
Wednesday – January 16, 2019
Context: Practice – Take your time on the metcon and really focus on quality movement, this one should be more of a grind and less wind
Skill Work: Spend 8 minutes working on pistols and pistol progressions
Strength: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Front Squat (7 sets of 2 reps, adding weight each set if possible)
Super Set: 4-4-4-4-4-4-4 weighted strict pull up or progression (7 sets of 4 reps)
Metcon: “Russian Cindy”
10-minute AMRAP
5 strict Chin-ups
10 KB goblet squats
15 Russian KB swings
Rx+: 30/15 weighted strict chin-up, 70/53 KB
Rx: 53/35 KB
Scaled: 35/26 KB
Scaling Guide: 5 – 9 rounds, about 1.5 min per round
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Thursday – January 17, 2019
Context: Competition – Look up your old scores and/or find someone in class to go head-to-head with. If one of you is likely going to be faster, let the slower person have a lead.
Skill Work: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging rep of the complex: pause power snatch, power snatch, overhead squat.
Metcon: “Soaring Eagle”
5 rounds for time
400 meter run
20 burpees
15 two-hand bent-over rows
Rx: 50/35 DBs
Scaled: 35/20 DBs
Scaling Guide: 17 – 25 minutes, about 4:00 min per round.
Compare to: September 6, 2018
Friday – January 18, 2019
Context: Practice – Make the weight of the metcon challenging, and take the snatches and OHS at a moderate pace, then go hard on the row!
Strength: 11×1 Deficit Deadlift 3 of 11 (11 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, 55-65% of max)
Super Set: 11×3 strict handstand push up for depth (or progression) (11 sets of 3 reps, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Double Hull”
For time
15 power snatch
15 overhead squats
500m row or ¾-mile bike
Rx+: 155/95
Rx: 135/85
Scaled: 85/55, sub power clean or front squats if needed
Scaling Guide: 4 – 9 minutes, about 2 minutes for the snatches, 1.5 minutes for the overhead squats, 2 minutes for the row
Compare to: May 25, 2018
Saturday – January 19, 2019
Context: Practice – Communicate and give encouragement to your partner while “resting”
Metcon: “Butch and Sundance”
30-minute AMRAP in teams of two
400 meter run with two plates or one sandbag per team
30 pistols – resting partner holds bag/plates
30 single-arm kettlebell swing – both partners at the same time 15 per person
30 ‘high’ box jumps – resting partner holds bag/plates
Rx+: Carry partner instead of bag or plates, 35/26 weighted pistols, 36/30 box.
Rx: 80/60 sandbag or 45/25 plates, 53/35 KB, 30/24 box
Scaled: light sandbag or 25/15 plates, 35/26 KB, 24/20 box
Scaling Guide: 3-5 rounds, about 8 min per round.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Indy Version: 25 min AMRAP, 200m run with sandbag, 15 pistols, 15 sa kb swings, 1 min rest holding bag, 15 box jumps