The New Year’s Challenge starts a week from tomorrow! You can get more info and register online by clicking here. We’ll have another info meeting on Saturday morning after the 9 am class.
Yoga is back! Our very own Mandy Bailey will be leading a Mind/Body gentle yoga session at 6 pm on Sunday. It’s free for members and $5 for non-members. We have some yoga mats at the gym, but if you have you own mat, please bring it.
The River City Rumble is Saturday at Steel Mill CrossFit – Fleming Island. We have multiple teams competing. We’ll post more info later in the week for those who want to come out and support our competitors.
Week at a Glance: January 7-12
Monday – January 7, 2019
Context: Practice – Fran should be with your best form today
Strength: Strength: 5-5-5-5-5 Bench Press (5 sets of 5 reps, increasing load each set if possible)
Super Set: 5×5 single leg deadlift with two dumbbells (5 sets of 5 reps on each side, same
challenge with all sets)
Dynamic Warm Up: 3 rounds: 5 air squats, 5 ring rows, 5 push-ups 2 crab bridges, 2 inch worms.
Metcon: “Fran”
Thruster (95/65)
Kipping Pull-up
Scaling Guide: 3 – 8 minutes. You can also use the ‘time delimited’ version of Fran from the “By the Numbers” book as well! (90s for 21 thrusters, 90s for 21 pull ups, 60/60 for the 15s, 30/30 for the 9s. It will work out to a 6 min or less Fran)
Compare to: CrossFit Benchmark (last performed May 11, 2018)
Tuesday – January 08, 2019
Context: Competition – Check your old score so you can set a plan for a solid PR!
Metcon: “Wittman”
7 rounds for time
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
15 Power Cleans (95/65)
15 Box Jumps, (24/20)
Scaling Guide: 19 – 26 min, about 3 min per round
Compare to: February 21, 2018
Wednesday – January 9, 2019
Context: Practice – Push hard on the push presses, but take today’s metcon easy
Strength: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Push Press (7 sets of 1 rep, adding weight each set if possible)
Metcon: “Hot Rain”
4 rounds for time
8 DB push press
8 DB reverse lunges – 4 per side, hands at sides or front rack (same)
8 DB bent over rows (same)
200 meter run or 30/35 Cal row
“Don’t drop it” Rule: If you put the dumbbells down during the dumbbell portion, you must do 30 jumping jacks before picking them back up again.
Rx: 50/35
Scaled: 35/20
Scaling Guide: 7 – 11 minutes, about 2:15 per round
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Thursday – January 10, 2019
Context: Practice – Row pacing
Strength: 7×1 Deficit Deadlift 1 of 11 (7 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, 55-65% of max)
Super Set: 7×3 strict handstand push up for depth (or progression) (7 sets of 3 reps, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “2k row”
2000 meter row for time
Scaling Guide: Women: 8-10 minutes. Men: 7-9 minutes. Scale Up: Perform burpees over the rower
Compare to: CrossFit Benchmark
Friday – January 11, 2019
Context: Competition – Setting goals that you can control
Skill Practice: Spend 10 minutes working on ring dip and muscle up progressions.
Metcon: “Open 18.1”
As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes
8 Toes-to-bars
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks (50/35)
14/12 Calorie Row
Scaling Guide: 7-11 rounds, about 2:15 per round.
Compare to: February 23, 2018
Saturday – January 12, 2019
Context: Practice – Pacing large sets of double unders
Strength: 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Back or box squat (7 sets of 3 reps, adding weight each set if possible)
Super Set: 7×5 single arm ring row (7 sets of 5 reps on each side)
Metcon: “Diablo Mini Crippler”
In 7 minutes:
30 back squats (155/95)
Max double unders
Scaling Guide: 150 – 300 doubleunders
Compare to: March 14, 2017