Join us for food, fun, and friendship at our annual CrossFit Fernandina Tacky Christmas Party from 6 to 9(ish) this Friday evening! We will have our regular 3:30 and 4:30 classes that day, but there will be no 5:30 or 6:30 classes.
We’re going to fry up a couple of turkeys and provide non-alcoholic drinks. Bring your own adult beverages as long as they’re enjoyed responsibly. You guys are welcome to bring side dishes and/or desserts. Jaime has been busy planning some fun “tacky” games and there will be plenty of activities for the kids.
Instead of doing a gift exchange this year, we ask that you consider donating a new, unopened toy to our Toys for Tots toy drive. The toys will go to less fortunate children in our area. If you need more incentive to donate, Craig and I will be doing three burpees for each toy donated!
Week at a Glance: December 10-16
Monday – December 10, 2018
Context: Practice – Pacing when doing minute intervals
Skill Work: Spend 8 minutes working up to a moderate push press (75-85%)
Metcon: “Tough Gristle“
4 rounds for reps – 40 seconds of work 20 seconds of rest
Push press
Bent-over row
Box step-overs
Russian KB swings
Rx+: 95/65 bar, 24/20 box with 35/20 DBs held at side, 70/53 KB
Rx: 95/65 bar, 24/20 box, 53/35 KB
Scaled: 65/35 bar, 20/12 box, 35/26 KB
Scaling Guide: 200 – 300 reps, about 65 reps per round
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Tuesday – December 11, 2018
Context: Competition – Why being thoroughly warmed up before a short metcon is important.
Strength: 3-3-3-3-3-3 Power Snatch (6 sets of 3 reps, adding load each set if possible)
Super Set: Super set with 10-15 hollow rocks or bird dogs
Metcon: “Burnt Rubber”
12-9-6-3 for time
Power Snatch
***GAME CHANGER (Rx only): From minute 5 to minute 8, row for Calories. Subtract one second from your time for every calorie rowed.
Rx+: none
Rx: 95/65
Scaled: 65/35
Scaling Guide: 3 – 8 minutes not including the ‘Game Changer’
Compare to: September 27, 2017 (different standards)
Wednesday – December 12, 2018
Context: Practice – Overhead carries, shoulder mobility, and hip mobility
Metcon: “Hot Pants”
Every 4 minutes for 6 cycles. Perform one cycle, then rest remainder of 4-minute interval
Record time for each cycle.
10 dumbbell squats
40′ walking lunge
15 pull-ups
80′ overhead dumbbell carry – two hand
Rx+: 50/35 DBs, C2B pull-ups, 80’ overhead carry AND 80’ farmer carry
Rx: 50/35 DBs
Scaled: 35/20 DBs, assisted pull-ups or ring rows
Scaling Guide: 2:30-3:30 per round.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Thursday – December 13, 2018
Context: Practice – Good bench press form
Strength: 3-3-3-3-3-3 Bench Press (6 sets of 3 reps, increasing load each set if possible)
Super Set: 8×6 banded good mornings
Metcon: “Repel Boarders”
In 7 minutes
500m row (log as benchmark)
1 min rest
Max rounds with the remaining time
6 dumbbell thrusters – two hand (50/35)
12 single arm dumbbell hang power snatch (same)
40′ broad jump
Scaling Guide: 3 – 5 rounds, about 1:10 per round after the row
Compare to: July 30, 2017 (Log 500m row time)
Friday – December 14, 2018
Context: Competition – Proper scaling to finish within scaling guide and get intended stimulus
Skill Work: Every 90s: 1 pause power clean, 1 squat clean, 1 front squat. Keep adding weight if you can for 6 rounds
Metcon: “Back in Black”
3 rounds for time
5 power cleans
10 toes-to-bar
200m sprint or half-mile bike
5 power cleans
10 toes-to-bar
200m sprint or half-mile bike
1-minute rest
Rx+: none
Rx: 155/105
Scaled: 115/65
Scaling Guide: 10-18 minutes, about 5 min per round including rest.
Compare to: April 30, 2017
Saturday – December 15, 2018
Context: Practice – Staying ‘present’ during your workouts.
Metcon: “Harry, Ron, and Hermione“
For time – Teams of 3
100 med-ball good mornings – one person working at a time
800m run together (or 1.5 mile bike shared between partners)
Then 5 rounds:
3 rope climbs – (Scaled: 3 rope laydowns per 1 rope climb) – 1 person working at a time
30 push-ups – 2 people working at a time
45 goblet squats – 2 people working at a time (53/35)
800m run together (or 1.5 mile bike shared between partners)
Scaling Guide: 20 – 30 minutes, about 4-5 minutes for the runs and 3 minutes per round on the middle stuff. Scale Up: legless rope climbs
Compare to: May 12, 2018
INDY VERSION: 30 good mornings, 800m run, then 5 rounds of 1 rope climb, 10 push-ups, 15 goblet squats, then 800m run
Vitality Workouts
Vitality – Monday – December 10, 2018
Pre-Charge: 2 minute row, then “Bring Sally Up” with planks
Balance: 2 rounds: 5 reps of alternating downward dog and cobra, 5 reps per side bird dog, 5 per side spider man lunges with push up, 5 per side half rainbow
Burn: “Tough Gristle” – SPARK
4 rounds: 40s of work 20s of rest
Calorie row
DB push press
DB bent-over row
Russian kettlebell swings
1 minute rest
Vitality – Tuesday– December 11, 2018
Pre-Charge: 2 min bike or row, then 2 rounds of: 8 ring rows, 8 squats, 8 sit ups, 8 single-leg glute bridge (4 per side), then 200 meter jog
Balance: Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes, alternating
6 DB strict press
10 DB single leg deadlift (5 per side)
Scale up: Plank remainder of minute
Burn: “Burnt Rubber” – SPARK
15-minute AMRAP
Kettlebell swings
*Every 3 minutes stop and run 100 meters. After each run, pick back up where you left off
Vitality – Wednesday December 12, 2018
Pre-Charge: 2 rounds: 1 minute single arm overhead carry, 1 minute of 3 push ups + 3 air squats, 1 minute jump rope
Balance: 5-7 reps per side Turkish get-up
Burn: “Hot Pants – SPARK”
Every 4 minutes for 6 cycles
10 dumbbell squats
40′ walking lunge
15 jumping pull-ups
80′ overhead dumbbell carry or farmers carry
Rest remainder of 4-minute cycle
Vitality – Thursday December 13, 2018
Pre-Charge: 3 rounds: 30 seconds jumping jacks, 30 seconds plank.
Then 3 rounds: 5 glute bridges, 6 push-ups with reach to the sky (3 per arm going up), 6 squats with 5+ sec pause at the bottom (use KB or rig for support if needed)
Balance: Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes, alternating
6 dumbbell bench press – two DBs
12 box step-ups (6 per leg) – use DB if desired
Burn: “Repel Boarders” – SPARK
In 7 minutes
500m row
1 min rest
Max rounds with the remaining time
6 dumbbell thrusters – two hand (50/35)
12 single arm dumbbell hang power snatch (same)
40′ broad jump
Vitality – Friday, December 14, 2018
Pre-Charge: 2 rounds: 100 meter med-ball run, 5 med-ball cleans
Balance: 30-45 seconds of jump rope every minute on the minute for 5 minutes
Burn: “Back in Black” – SPARK
20-minute AMRAP
10 med-ball cleans
20 sit ups OR 10 hanging knee-raises
200m sprint or half-mile bike
1 minute rest
Vitality – Saturday, December 15, 2018
Scaled version of CrossFit WOD