Happy Thanksgiving Week! Don’t forget that the gym will be closed Thursday and we’ll have one 9 am class only on Friday. We’ll have regular class times Monday through Wednesday and Saturday morning.
Even though the gym will be closed Thursday, we’ve included an at-home workout you can do to work off all the turkey!
As you’re making plans for December, pencil in events at the gym for Saturday, December 8th and Friday, December 14th.
On the morning of the 8th, we’re hosting the Naughty or Nice toy drive and workout organized by FAITH RXD. We’ll have more details on this soon, but basically, bring a toy to donate and you get to do the workout. You also have the option purchasing a shirt through FAITH RXD. Special thanks to Coach Traci for suggesting we participate in this event!
The evening of the 14th will be our annual Christmas party. The party will be at the gym and will start at 6 pm. We’ll have food and drinks and we plan on doing a gift exchange of some kind for those who want to participate. The 4:30 class will be the only evening class that day.
That’s all for this week. I’m in Virginia spending time with Liz’s family, so you guys won’t see me around the gym. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! Enjoy spending time with your family and friends and don’t eat too much!
Week at a Glance: November 19-24
Monday – November 19, 2018
Context: Competition – Look up your old score and try to beat it!
Strength: Push Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 (7 sets of 2 reps, adding weight each round if possible)
Super Set: 7×4 Single-Leg Dumbbell Deadlift (7 sets of 4 reps on each side, same challenge with all sets) Metcon: “Open 17.2”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes:
2 rounds of
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 toes-to-bars
8 dumbbell power cleans
2 rounds of
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 toes-to-bars
8 dumbbell power cleans
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds
Rx: 50/35 DBs
Scaled: 35/20 DBs, hanging knee-raises, pull-ups
Scaling Guide: 70-200 reps
Compare to: Open 17.2 (last done August 8, 2018)
Tuesday – November 20, 2018
Context: Practice – How much rest between sets.
Strength: 3×4 and 3×3 Front Squat – session 12 of 12 (3 sets of 4 reps, then 3 sets of 3 reps, same weight across, 85-95% of max)
Super Set: 6×6 half kneeling single arm dumbbell press (6 sets of 6 reps on each side, same challenge with all sets)
Metcon: “Hold Me Down”
9-minute AMRAP
10 kipping ring dips
40′ broad jump – 20’ out, 20’ back
10 goblet squats 53/35
200m run
Scaling Guide: 2 – 4 rounds, about 2:00 per round.
Compare to: March 6, 2018
Wednesday – November 21, 2018
Context: Practice – Make sure you know how to avoid rope burn
Metcon: “Lines and Lashings“
2 cycles 9 minutes each with 2 minutes rest in between cycles
5/3 rope climb
Then max rounds and reps with the remaining time:
12 dumbbell hang cleans
8 dumbbell thrusters
30 double unders
Repeat the rope climb buy-in at the start of the second cycle, but start the rounds where you left off.
Rx: 50/35 DBs
Scaled: 10/6 rope lay-downs, 35/20 DBs, 60 singles
Scaling Guide: 5 – 10 rounds, about 2 minutes to do the rope climbs and then 1.5 min per round.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Thursday – November 22, 2018 – Gym closed. Happy Thanksgiving!
Home Workout:
4 rounds for reps
1 min air squats
1 min push-ups
1 min sit-ups
1 min burpees
1 min rest
Friday – November 23, 2018
Context: Practice – Pacing strategies for longer efforts
Metcon: “Main Course”
Two rounds for time with a partner (40-minute timecap)
Split reps and row as desired, run together swapping med-ball
40 Alternating DB snatch (50/35)
500m row – resting partner must hold a plank
400m med-ball run
40 lateral burpees over DB
500m row – resting partner must hold a plank
400m med-ball run
40 med-ball sit-ups – alternate reps, passing med-ball
500m row – resting partner must hold a plank
400m med-ball run
Rx+: 53/35 KB snatch, heavy sandbag carry
Rx: 50/35 DB, 20/14 med-ball
Scaled: 35/20 DB, 14/10 med-ball, shorten distances if needed
Scaling Guide: Scaling Guide: 30 – 40 min, about 17 min per round
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Saturday – November 24, 2018
Context: Practice – Use smaller sets and go faster
Metcon: “Mawwiage”
20-minute partner AMRAP
20 toes-to-bar or 12 bar muscle-ups – partner must be hanging on bar while other does reps
20 box step-ups with DB in each hand – partner must be in plank
20 box jumps – alternate with partner for 10 each
20 dumbbell hang squat cleans – partner rests
Rx+: 12 bar muscle-ups, 50/35 DBs, 24/20 box
Rx: 35/20 DBs, 24/20 box
Scaled: 20/15 DBs, 20/12 box
Scaling Guide: 3 – 6 rounds, about 4 minutes per round
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
INDY VERSION: 20-minute AMRAP 10 toes-to-bar or 6 bar muscle-ups, 10 DB step-ups, 10 box jumps, 10 DB hang squat cleans, 30 seconds rest